Some Simple Rules-Life

I am inspired to write this post from the book : The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday

From the book:

"In your actions, don't procrastinate. In your conversation, don't confuse. In your thoughts,don't wander. In your soul, don't be passive or aggressive. In your life, don't be all about business"

Simple is rarely easy. Try to use the above rules in your daily practice.

Decide your goal, Plan to achieve the goal and then take the action, don't put today's action on tomorrow. You just have to do one thing that is START. And don't do the actions that will lead you to mistakes then success will automatically take care of itself.

As Mr. Charlie Munger said: "All I want to know is where I’m going to die so I’ll never go there", the same is true for mistakes in life, all you have to know is what did not worked in past, so skip that action and try alternative.

Don't confuse your self with your goals and action. You should have a clear mind set.

Don't allow your thought and mind to wander on useless things like Mobile, TV, News etc. Concentrate on your work , your goal and read good books for learning.

To nourish your soul, do meditation, show gratification to almighty for whatever you have and read lots of motivation and spiritual books. I suggest to read the book : The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma.

For Life, don't concentrate only on making money, only on making a good business, Only on your job.Try to concentrate on making life out of life- Go for a long walk, long drive, explore the world, learn new things out there, read books, read cultures, spend time with you kid, with your parents, with your family, do exercise and be healthy. Thins are very small to concentrate but make a very big difference in the long run. At the time of your last moments only the memory of this life remains with you, not the wealth so collect as many good moments as possible from your small life.

Read the image and reflect in your life.

Read a lot, learn a lot.
Happy learning.....


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